Brand Corporate Identity/ Task 1: Breaking Brand

 Brand Corporate Identity/ Task 1: Breaking Brand

23/09/2024 - 07/10/24/ Week 1 - Week 3
Tyra Franchesca Valerie Anthony
Brand Corporate Identity/ Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media/ Taylor's University



During our first class, Ms. Lilian went over the MIB and informed us of the tasks we will have to look forward to during this upcoming semester. She also briefed us on our Task 01 & Task 02 as we were to start them right away. Below is a screenshot of some notes I took during the class when she was helping us understanding what was needed for us to do for the next class for us to prepare for the breaking brand task.

Lecture 01: Introduction

Branding is one areas of graphics design that plays a big role in society. Branding plays a big role in business and marketing. An exciting area as it represents/ symbolizes a corporation, small business, NGO, etc. A symbol can become a word mark and then, a larger identity. 

It was reminded yet again to focus on feedback, instead of chasing the grades. As it is important to focus on feedback to create better work. We were reminded to be proactive, independent & self-confident.

Lecture 02: Brand 

There's term is derived the old Norse word brander or "to burn". It refers to the practice of branding livestock which dates back to more than 4000 years in Indus Valley. Branding has evolved over the centuries as farmers claimed property, artisans claimed credit for their artistry, factories claimed their products, companies claiming their products are better than others.

Fig 1.1 Human Branding in the past

Mini history lesson: Slaves used to get branded by their 'owners'.

What we brand, how we brand it, & why we brand it has changed. Branding is still about taking ownership, but it also states how a company owns it values & represents, shortcomings and earning consumer's trust & loyalty through the company's word's, actions & stories.

Branding also influences consumers by communicating qualities that make a product unique. They can put an impact onto consumers by consumer's gut feeling. 

Brand Identity?

When people discuss brand Identity, they are usually referring to their gut instinct that comes with the brand's image, message, service, organization or person. The gut instinct is an aspect of a brand's identity. Another is 'visual identity' which aids the 'gut instinct' with imagery or messages.


" The process of giving a meaning to a specific organization, company, products or services by actively creating & shaping a brand in consumer's minds. It is a strategy designed by organizations to help people quickly identity & experience their brand, and give them a reason to choose their products over the competitions"

Lecture 03: Types of Marks

Despite designers & marketing experts basic understanding of the nuances within the definitive applications of brand identity, they tend to be confused. There are different opinions on the topic, logogram, hallmark, flag, token, motif, etc.


During our first class (30/08/2024), Ms. Lilian got us into groups of three to write about a brand of our choice. I teamed up with Aisya, Lizzie and Sherren as they were sitting right beside me. Each of us thought of three and more of different brands. And then decide to gather all the names and put them on a spinning wheel and landed on Pepsi. 

Fig 3.1.1 Breaking Brand Slides, PDF

Fig 3.1.3 Breaking Brand Group- Edited Document, PDF


Week 02

Ms. Lilian reminded the class that the slides are individually to work on, whereas the information's and all the group works is to be done together. She also answered us of any questions that we had about the topic.


This first task definitely opened my eyes to the wide range of understanding branding. At first, I was not really sure as to be the same as I have learned back in college. However, I have found a lot of knowledge within this module as this task served as a crash course introduction to me. 

I noticed that brands have to focus a lot more about imagined. Beside the product and branding images, also the unique selling points, specific benefits, brand communication strategy and many more.


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