2023.10.31 - 2023.11.14/ Week 6 - Week 8

Tyra Franchesca Valerie Anthony/ 0368223/ Bachelor of design (Honours) in Creative Media 

Typography/ Taylor's University

Task 3: Type design & Communication (font design)

To summarize, typography is the art of arranging type to create effective communication. Typefaces are the visual designs that give characters their distinct style, while fonts are the digital files that allow typefaces to be displayed on screens and in print.

This is an example of what is type design and communication (font design).

We were given our tasked that to create our own font but first we have start with pen and paper with the given markets that Mr. Hsin had shown us in the class that day before we start on digital, she wanted to see our progress and understanding of the lesson itself.

But for me I didn't find it that difficult but fun creating your own using your own creative thinking and experiment with different style and type of font.

Why is it important to understand the font anatomy?

Understanding this font anatomy is crucial to you as a designer because it helps with choosing the right fonts for specific projects and goals. It’s not just a matter of what looks more attractive: it’s a matter of ensuring that your design is legible and readable.

These are my two first sketches that I started with by using the letters that Mr. Vinod has provided us with in Microsoft teams.


But then when on showing Mrs. Hsin, she said that it was alright but i needed to use the graphics paper to get a better scale.

But then came up with a new idea on the graphic paper with an octagon shape with my letterings but the thin one was not working for me so i went with the thicker one instead which was a good option to choose.


Mrs. Hsin also gave me some ideas also with the font making process by adding some extra with the font but when looking it look better without them but thicker small capital. 


The shaping processes of the font on illustrator part one

In the processes of make the final stage making words and seeing the difference between them and that i see the thick letter start popping out.

font outcome 



After finalizing the font in font lab choosing the letter and pasting them the letter that you want too past it in the I create in the font lab. 

In the processes of adding some of the letters i see that some of my letters that i have created was smaller than the others so i had to use some of them that are the same similar size.

Nourrice font in JPEG

Nourrice letter font PDF

final poster JEPG 18/12/2023

Final post PDF 18/12/2022



This task was really challenging well by going back and front with the fonts fixing rearranged them to make sure the is right, I wanted to change something for once by creating a font in a shape that is different compared to other fonts, it is my first great and design my own font that I had fun with.


On creating my own font, I realized that some of the fonts when spacing are not supposed to be that close to each when kerning and by doing my research before sketching it down I noticed that some typefaces are some of the fonts that I am familiar with and i wanted to do something opposite.  


In the process creating my own font that it was challenging that is something I like but this task intrigued to understand more about the tracing and kerning of the letters that makes it more efficient even the font you have created.


For my further readings I have most done the research base on the fonts itself but mostly showing you about the position and the tracing and kerning of the fonts like for examples above in my first research.


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