05/10/2023- (Week 1- Week 5)

Tyra Franchesca Valerie Anthony (0368223)

Digital Photography and Imaging

Project 1 / Exercises


After briefing of the class, explaining us if we have used photoshop before and if we have already installed because I already have the app and also explain about the exercises we will be doing for this week. 

W1: TUTORIAL – Students responsibilities, assignments & assessment methods

1. Introduction to Google Classroom.
2. Introduction to Google Drive folder system.
3. Introduction to Collage
4. Prepare collage's design elements for Week 2 exercise.
5. Past students collage works:

- Introduction to Google Drive and Online Portfolio 
- Creating E-Portfolio

1. Create your E-Portfolio blog.

2. Register Pinterest, create board name as DPI. Save/ Pin your references there.

3. List down your 3 favourite graphic design composition work from Pinterest. Explain it on your E-portfolio blog, why do you like the designs?

As we can see that we were asked to do those three things in class and hand it in on the same day.

Design #1:

Description: The  text is utilized in a way that makes up for the other half of the bus. 

And I also like how the type is placed to form the shape of the school bus.

Design #2:

Description: This design I find it fascinating because it's like a piece of art itself I enjoy collage

myself I find it a really good way to express your emotions and feelings many people think that

college is just by sticking a piece of papers together and it create something

‘YES’ but most form it into an art like it is.

Design #3:

Description: For me I like going out exploring new things thinking outside of the box the learn

new things like for example the way they have made a simple waterfall into a water bottle how

creative it that, it got my attention from the moment I saw it. 

Week 2



1. Introduction to basic composition

2. Rules of Third

3. Golden Ratio

4. Composition Framing & Cropping 

These are my research for the elements that I understand. 

We have learned the basic elements and rules of Digital photography how everything works how and when to use, just to recap with us the basics. Have also show us the works of previous students that did the same and how they have use one of the elements and its Golden ratio. Because to create a good design we to make our audience focus on what we want them to focus on. 


We were shown videos how to do collage by using magazines and newspaper that we have find for my research my materials I went shops next to the school and also at Sunway pyramid. Also, at 7 eleven were I some newspaper. 


We took a class photo with our final physical collage we all did different styles and techniques. 

Fig 3.2-week 3 physical collage 

This was my final collage that we did in class by using pieces of newspaper and colored paper.

When we were doing our physical collage for me it was fun learn how to take old newspapers turn it into an art piece by finding the right compositions to get a great work that for me in my own eyes as a masterpiece even just by sticking photos and colored papers. 


Mr.Fauzi took a look at my three compositions, and he liked the first one which I also choose.

Week 3

Lecture: Introduction to photoshop 2

- Lasso Tool

- Pen tool 

- Layering 


Tutorial: Path, Masking and layering 

1. Blending Mode
. Paths. Masking. Layering.


Practical: Composition Collage 

Fig 3.1- Week 3 first composition 

Fig 3.2-week 3 composition 2 

Fig 3.3- week 3 composition 3

These were the examples of my digital collage where I had used the buildings and shapes also different composition.

- I personally enjoyed doing collage but digitally was my first time and I have enjoyed it by following the videos that Mr.Fauzi has given us that was really helpful even at first, I was having difficulties. 

Week 4
Lecture: Introduction to photoshop
- Adjustment layer
- Filters

Tutorial: Vital tools project 1

1. Match lighting. Adjustment layers, Filters.
2. Photoshop Pen Tool.

I have to the videos that Mr. Fauzi has given us to understand more how photoshop works and it is really interesting. 

Fig 4.1 composition color adjustment 

This is the final composition that I choose to use filter on, and it came out nice. 

Fig 4.2 color adjustment two
I showed Mr. Fauzi my three compositions that I did, and I went with this one and arranged the filters on and came out good. 


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