2023.12.06 - 2023.01.03 Week 11 - Week 14
Tyra Franchesca Valerie Anthony / 0368223 / Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Creative Media
Illustration & Visual Narrative / Taylors University
Your final task consists of integrating the challenges from 3 different modules.
- Weave a related motive (IVN) through the font and self-portrait. This motive should convey a narrative or theme that reflects your personal or artistic identity.
- Experiment with typography and layout to integrate the motive seamlessly with your font and self-portrait.
- Ensure the visual narrative created supports the overall message of your poster.
In your final task, you will bring together the knowledge and skills acquired from three different modules: Typography, Illustration & Visual Narrative, and Digital Imaging & Photography. Your goal is to create an integrated poster that showcases your abilities in each of these areas. You will use a custom font you've created (Typo), incorporate a self-portrait (DIP), and weave a related motive (IVN) through the font and image, resulting in a visually compelling and conceptually rich poster.Typography; Illustration & Visual Narrative; and Digital Imaging & Photography.
You will use the font created (Typo) in a poster that features your self-portrait (DIP), and you will weave a related motive (IVN) through the font and image.
The end result is an integrated poster
Size: A4 (2480 pixels x 3508 pixels (print resolution) 595 pixels x 842 pixels (screen resolution)
Your assignment will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
- Effective integration of Typography, Illustration & Visual Narrative, and Digital Imaging & Photography concepts (30%)
- Creativity in weaving the related motive into the font and self-portrait (25%)
- Visual impact and quality of the self-portrait (20%)
- Typography and layout design (15%)
- Artist rationale and presentation in the e-learning portfolio (10%)
* For those that aren't participating in the other modules, links to free fonts and imagery will be provided for you to utilize.
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