TYPOGRAPHY - Exercise 1

September 26, 2023

Date: 2023.09.26 - 2023.09.24 (Week 1- Week 2)

Tyra Franchesca Valerie Anthony / ID: 0368223 / Bachelor of design (Honours) in creative media

Class: Typography (GCD60104) Taylor's University Lakeside Campus  

Task: 1


Summary Week 1 lecture

My first class was alright we do not do much just we were introduced by our lecture and that is Mrs. Hsin and Mr. Vinod to explain us about our class and module this semester and also showed us how to set up the adobe illustrator that we will be using most of the time, at first, I didn't find it difficult because I have used it before just for the blogger was a first for me.

Week 2

Creating my blogger, I didn't understand how to do it and we were given our first task to do that I was having problems with adobe also.


<iframe src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1p5uVjPeyXtJ1jgk6Dq5-gytDEtzNby-y/preview" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>

Task 1- Exercise 

we were asked to choose four words and great a font by using the fonts that we have been provided with and start sketching first our ideas down. 

Sketches Idea 1

Fig.1 bounce sketches Week 1

One of the words I have choose BOUNCE was thinking of movement will doing my drawings imagining everything that is relate with the word.

    Idea 2

 Fig.2 Spring Sketches

SPRING such a calm and warm word I want to do different type of fonts styles because its one             of the seasons which is also relate with nature also animals.                                                            

      Idea 3



Fig.3 Chaos sketches 

Chaos is destruction itself the way I imagine it being difficult to see and bothers the eyes while looking at it.



Bounce 2 make it capital and make the letter O like it is bouncing up on the other letters

Chaos is not just simple font is aggressive destruction itself can add different fonts with and see how it there's out   to be.

Spring can make the leaves in the word as a font itself also.

Week 3 

Task 1

Digitization of Sketches 

These are some of my sketches and also some along the way got creative with the add some illustration to see different ways of the fonts.

   Fig.4 digitize sketches of my ideas.

Fig.5 Final four outcome in screenshot form

These are the rest of my ideas that I just place while was doing my digital sketches along came other        ideas at the same time thinking.

Fig.5 other examples Week 2


I have shown Ms. Hsin took a look at my digital fonts that I have done, and she said that it was not approve because I did vectors in stand of only fonts, so I fixed it, and I also got a chance in class to do an animation with the word bounce that needs to be re arranged. 

I have put it in simply way that id much better than the vector that was in the one before also clear and clean. 

Fig.6 Animation week 3

Feedback: The animation needs a little bit more touch to it for example the line that looks like the bounce has come from one to go to the other side just need to rearrange also the letter O not like in the animation on top.

Just to make more like it is bouncing not jumping. 

I used the font Univers to create my animations with and also with the wave on top that follow with the letter O.


For the animation task I have learn something new that even myself I didn't know, and it was great to learn new things also was great to be designing your own animation you are creating.    

Exercise 2

Text Formatting 

We will need to develop a final layout of text formatting by working with typefaces, kerning, types size, line length.  To proceed this task, we fist need to learn to apply the concepts of kerning and tracking for our name as a practice and the apply to the design the layout as we have received. 

Fig2.1 The process of the tex formatting 



4.1 Research: I have listened to the lectures that Mr. Vinod has given us, and I followed his instructions as follows.

4.2 Ideation: I first started with my name and also along the way while designing the ideas itself comes follows through my head and I put it down. 

4.3 Final Outcome


Fig 3 Task 2 week 5 2023


Fig4 week 4 final text formatting 


- Experience

It is not my first-time using illustrator, but the typography class is new for me by doing digital design which is a good experience for as I have learned but was having some difficulties with the illustration to have license adobe. 

But, after the exercises, it really gives me more information about using the blogger and how to operate adobe illustrator from basic. What I feel for these exercises is really hard but fun to do. It's really challenging for me because I also got new knowledge for my design skill. Besides that, I got a nice lecture that could help me out whenever I find the problem while using Adobe Illustrator and gave opinion about my ideas so far.


On my first day of class, I think the atmosphere in university is really different than my Collage. We're just start learning and there is no time to knowing each other of classes first. I understand that situation because in the university, there are so many students that are from different countries. Same as design, where there are so many unique ideas in every exercises. That situation makes me learn that everyone has their own style. When making this task, we came up from different perspective so that in 1 word could gave various expressions.

Firstly, Typography is a mixed between font and expression art. The principles are thinking outside of the box but keep it simple. I have learned typography before, but it was more practical by drawing the fonts with pencil and paper, because I enjoy learning new things every day. I found out that this module is pleasurable because the consistency of learning. The lectures always gave us note as reminder for what should we do and what needs to be done.



Text animation typography is the art of creating attractive and dynamic text effects using animation. There are many tools and templates available online to help you create text animations for your videos, websites, or presentations. Some of the popular ones are:

  • After Effects12: A professional video editing software that allows you to create complex and customizable text animations using keyframes, expressions, presets, and plugins.
  • Canva3: A free online graphic design platform that lets you create simple and elegant text animations using pre-made templates and effects.
  • Jitter4: A free online video maker that offers a library of pre-designed text animations and typography styles that you can easily personalize and download.
  • Renderforest5: A free online video maker that provides dozens of kinetic typography templates that you can animate with your own text and music.



Text formatting

Text formatter is a program or online tool that helps change a text document's size, font, and other formatting attributes. It can make the text easier to read by changing the size of fonts and margins or by changing the color of certain words or phrases. 



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