TYPOGRAPHY - Exercise 1 September 26, 2023 Date: 2023.09.26 - 2023.09.24 ( Week 1- Week 2 ) Tyra Franchesca Valerie Anthony / ID: 0368223 / Bachelor of design (Honours) in creative media Class: Typography (GCD60104) Taylor's University Lakeside Campus Task: 1 Lecture Summary Week 1 lecture My first class was alright we do not do much just we were introduced by our lecture and that is Mrs. Hsin and Mr. Vinod to explain us about our class and module this semester and also showed us how to set up the adobe illustrator that we will be using most of the time, at first, I didn't find it difficult because I have used it before just for the blogger was a first for me. Week 2 Creating my blogger, I didn't understand how to do it and we were given our first task to do that I was having problems with adobe also. INSTRUCTION <iframe src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1p5uVjPeyXtJ1jgk6Dq5-gytDEtzNby-y/preview" width="640" height="4...