
Packaging and Merchandising Design/Exercise

  Packaging and Merchandising Design / Exercise 23 Sep 2023 - 2 Oct / week 1 - week 4  Tyra Franchesca Valerie Anthony Packaging & Merchandising Design / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media / Taylor's University  INSTRUCTION EXERCISES Exercise 1: Case Study Analysis Exercise 2: Box-Making Fig 2.2 Hand Cream Fig 2.3 Toothbrush box Fig 2.5 Box # 1 Hand Cream 

Advance Typography | Final Compilation

 Advance Typography | Final Compilation Tyra Franchesca Valerie Anthony (0368223) Advance Typography/ Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media Advance Typography Final Compilation INSTRUCTIONS Task 1: Task 2: Task 3: SUBMMISSION  Task 1 | Exercises (Typographic Systems and Type & Play) Exercise 1: Typographic Systems 24/04/2024 - 20/05/2024 | Week 1 - Week 5 Fig.2 week 3 06/05/2024 Axial Fig.2.week 3 06/05/2024 Radial Fig.2.week 3 06/05/2024 dilatational Fig.2.week 3 06/05/2024 Grid Fig.2 week3 06/05.2024 Bilateral Fig.2 week 3 06/05/2024 Translational Fig.2.2 week 3 06/05/2024 Modular fig 2.2 week 6 06/05/2024 random Fig.2.3 week 3 06/05/2024 final system typographic pdf with guide Fig.2.3 week 3 06/05/2024 final system typographic pdf without guid


VIDEO & SOUND PRODUCTION | FINAL COMPILATION  22/05/2024 - 09/06/24/ Week 5-7  Tyra Franchesca Valerie Anthony/0368223/Section 1 Video and sound production/ Bachelor of Desing (Hons) In Creative Media Task2: Exercise 1 (Production Shoot Video) &Exercise 2 (Insta/TikTok Video)  SECTION Task 1: Task 2: Task 3: Submissions  Project 1: Audio Budding Project 1: Exercise 2: Sound Shaping Project 2A: Trailer editing Project 2B: TikTok/ Instagram Trend Final Project Stop Motion REFLECTION For my recent project, I've learned a lot about editing a video and the production of a video a

Video and Sound Production | Task 3: Final Project (Stop Motion)

  Video and Sound Production| Task 3: Final Project (Stop Motion) 22/05/2024 - 09/06/24/ Week 5-7 Tyra Franchesca Valerie Anthony/0368223/Section 1 Video and sound production/ Bachelor of Desing (Hons) In Creative Media INSTRUCTIONS We were required to produce a stop motion video by a given theme. Voice over, and sound effects with music that can be used, to tell a story. Within more than 2 characters and also the location and shots. Stop Motion Shorts In the first week we were instructed to watch stop motion shorts and analyze them in style, art direction, character design and more. Top 3 Favorite Stop motions  CORPSE BRIDE                                                              The talented and vision of Tim Burton and his team the vision be hide this beautiful and touching story that showcase true love story that wasn't to be but, in the end, made her left peace.   CORALINE Adventurous girl name Coraline discovered a secret in her own home into a new home that looks just th


ADVANCE TYPOGRAPHY - TASK 3: TYPE EXPLORATION & APPLICATION July 20,2024 15/5/2024- 29/5/2024 (week 8- week 13) Tyra Franchesca Valerie Anthony (0368223) Advance Typography/ Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media  Task 3- Type Exploration & Application Lectures advance-typography.html \ advance-typography-task-2-key-artwork.html INSTRUCTIONS TASK 3 Fig 1 Proposal Proposal Idea: For the proposal I choose the first topic to go with from my issues above there are many ancient Greek lettering out their but i will have to make mine unique and using element from Greek Methodology that also help me understand more and what i want to show and see, so i came with the idea of creating a Greek font by applying symbols within my letters that will make it unique. Process: Adobe Illustrator  The first step before starting to create my letters is by looking for references with the same as I want to go with  greek-freak.font  this is my reference for my lettering. Was not the same as i wa