

INFORMATION DESIGN - PROJECT 1&2 / ANIMATED INFOGRAPHIC POSTER 17.02.2025 - 07.03.2025 / Week 3 - Week 5  Tyra Franchesca Valerie Anthony / 0368223 Information Design / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media Project 1&2 - Animated infographics Poster  LECTURE Week 3 lecture: Miller's Law Memory Week 4 lecture: Manuel Lima’s 9 Directives Manifesto INSTURCTION  DESCRIPTION:  After time exploring media and learning about information design, you will now develop an infographic that presents a series of different processes as visuals rather than text. Process  Before starting the development is by finding the right topic and design that i want to do and re - create and infographic poster on. References:  Fig 1.0  Fig 1.1  Chosen Poster:   Fig 1.2 pets fig 1.3 saving the earth Sketches: Part One Poster Progression: Idea #1: Benefits of owning Pet Fig 1.4 Fig 1.5  Fig 1.6 Idea #2: How to save the earth Fig 1.7 Fig 1.8 Fig 1.9 ...


 INFORMATION DESIGN - EXERCISES 03.02.2025 - x.x.2025 / Week 1 - Week x Tyra Franchesca Valerie Anthony / 0368228 Information Design | Bachelor of Design (Hon) in Creative Media Exercises OUTLINE INSTRUCTIONS EXERCISES 1 - QUANTIFIABLE INFORMATION EXERCISES 2 - L.A.T.C.H FEEDBACK  REFLECTION INSTRUCTIONS ONLINE CLASS TUTORIAL  MIB EXERCISE 1 - QUANTIFIABLE INFORMATION  Quantify raw data and visual information as a photography a representation of numerical data that allows for easy interpretation as analysis. Requirements: The information must be presented as is and you need to arrange the objects with relevant indicators written out with pens to help to visualize the quantity and data, the examples of objects that can be use are buttons, coins, lego pieces, M&Ms, and more.   categorize the objects based on 2 to 5 factor such as color, shape, pattern and other quantifiable characteristics. Fig 1.1 Data Fig 1.2 Data For this first attempt i try to find the rig...


 PUBLISHING DESIGN: FINAL COMPILATION 24/09/2024 - 11/09/2024 Week 1 - Week 14 Tyra Franchesca Valerie Anthony (0368223) Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media  Publishing Design: Final Compilation Task 1: Exercises  Final Outcome: Exercise 1| Text formatting Exercise 2 | Mock-up Making Fig 1.2 signature folding system Fig 1.3 Signature Folding System Fig 1.4 Signature Folding System Exercise 4 | Classical Grid Structure Fig 1.5 Classical Grid Structure Fig 1.6 Classical Grid Structure  Exercise 5 | Determining Grids Fig 1.7 Determining Grids Fig 1.8 Determining Grids Exercise 6 | Form and Movement Fig 1.9 reference for my form and movement Task 2: Visual and Content Generation  Content Generation: Final Outcome Fig 1.1 Visual 1 | PNG Fig 1.2 Visual 2 | PNG  Fig 1.3 Visual 3 | PNG Fig 1.4 Visual 4 | PNG Fig 1.5 Visual 5 | PNG Fig 1.6 Visual 6 | PNG Fig 1.7 Visual 7 | PNG Fig 1.8 Visual 8 | PNG Fig 1.9 Visual 9 | PNG Fig 10 Visual 10 | PNG Fig 11 Visual...