

 DESIGN RESEARCH DISSERTATION January 03, 2025 27/9/2024 - 3/1/2025 (Week 1 - Week 14) Tyra Franchesca Valerie Anthony (0368223) Design Research Dissertation / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media  INSTRUCTION  DISSERTATION DRAFT FINAL DISSERTATION VISUAL & PUBLICATION RESEARCH ARTICLE  FEEBACK  Week 1 Module introduction & briefing of all tasks Week 2 Begin the dissertation by placing my question and topics that is focusing this time on e-magazines because of the last time i did on magazine Week 3  week 4  Finish the questions relate to research problem on graphic through e-magazine week 5  Reflection  Through this module, i engaged in several key task to guide me through the research and dissertation process. This task was including draft dissertation, submitting a final version creating an e-book and also writing a journal. The journey was not easy as there were some diffic...


 PACKAGIGN MERCHANDISING: COMPILATION SUBMISSION November 05,2024 24/09/2024 - 23/12/2024 Week 1 - Week 13 Tyra Franchesca Valerie Anthony / 0368223  Packaging and Merchandising Design  Final Compilation TASK 1: CASE STUDY & BOX MAKING  TASK 1A: Fig 1 final case study TASK 1B: Hand cream height: 100mm Width: 200mm Depth: 20mm - 30mm Sun Cream height: 120mm Width: 100mm 90mm, Depth: 80mm 100mm TASK 2: COFFEE CUP DESIGN  Fig 4: Pattern Fig 5: Product Mockup 1 Fig 6: Mockup layout Fig 7: Proposal Coffee Cup Idea Design TASK 3: INNOVATIVE PACKAGING PROJECT     Fig 1.2 - 1.3: PACKAGING LAYOUT & MOCKUP    Fig 1.4: Pear Oolong Tea Tub Fig 1.5: Lychee Oolong Tea Tub Fig 1.6: Blueberry Oolong Tea Tub Fig 1.7: Final layout Fig 1.8: Final layout Fig 12.3: Final 3 flavors layout design  We were also given instructions to create a small prototype to display and showcase our design of our gelato tub, in contact time we also learned how de...


 TASK 3: INNOVATIVE PACKAGING & MERCHANDISING  December 20,2024 24/09/2024 - 11/09/2025 Week 01 - Week 3  Tyra Franchesca Valerie Anthony / 0368223  Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media Packaging and Merchandising Design: Final Project  INSTRUCTION  MIB TASK 3  For this task we are required to pair up into groups of three to work together as team to get the work done on creating and designing packaging of the product that we have chosen from the student of Bioscience (SBS). For their product they will give us their details about their product for us to get a heads up start on how to start our ideas.   Our group started looking at references for ideas to start creating our ideas and show the (SBS) student for the Gelato ice cream such as texture, colors, flavors and other's References Fig 1.1 Fig 1.2 Fig 1.3  Gelato scoop Fig 1.4 - Ice Cream Scoops Pattern  Fig 1.5 pattern #1 Fig 1.6 pattern #2 Fig 1.6 pattern #3 FLAVOURS ...